The film we have been working on for the past years is being screened in berlin this weekend, friday 21st of february 2025, 20:00 in babylon mitte.

tsx – zehn tausend mal (feat. psygod) from sansculotte on Vimeo.
Checkx the album, recur⁵ on bandcamp

Epy – Unbedenklich from sans culotte on Vimeo.
Get the album, epydemic on bandcamp

Signal Cutoff Inflammation from sans culotte on Vimeo.
From the album Factory Food on Praxis.

tsx / shallow miswant no rid from sans culotte on Vimeo.
The release has received a very warm review in The Wire Issue #437, quoting, as regards the video only (for brevity):
»This download also includes a high resolution video made by the berlin based collective Sansculotte to accompany the track "Shallow Miswant No Rid". A monochrome flow of flashing fractals and molecules in motion, multidimensional grids and undulating wave patterns, it's abstract yet hypnotically involving and matches the music perfectly.«

Trailer for the hekate soundsystem, london/uk, 20 years anniversary
Track by Dan Hekate, Animation by sansculotte, Most of the used drawings by Luke Hekate
